Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Sharing Our Authors’ Content

Many of our authors have blogs and write some great content. We frequently share their posts on the Savas Beatie Facebook page and in our monthly newsletter to customers for others to see. Recently, we thought of a more effective way to make sure that our readers see this great content.

We sent out an email to our authors who have blogs and asked them to send us a link to a recent post on their blog with some historical content (preferably one that mentioned their most recent book by name with an image of the book cover). Or, write a new post and email us that link. We collected these links for a week, and then put together an email listing these posts, plus the name of the author, a link to his blog, and the name of his books that we published.

Click on the image above to view the email we sent out. Make sure you let the author know you appreciate his blog and posts by leaving a comment. Sometimes being an author is lonely work, and they always appreciate knowing you are there, and supporting their work. Happy Reading!

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